Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dehyrdation Effects on Athletic Performance

For all ages, hydration is key! ...the key to making you feel energetic and good in your body when you step on the field or start a work out. Dehydration can cause: sluggishness, change in mood, change in alertness, decrease in blood pressure, increase in difficulty for the heart to pump blood efficiently, and overall decrease in performance.
Hydration doesn't mean pounding a water or gatorade right before the game. Rather, drinking good fluids throughout the day!
Here is a great article that explains how  dehydration affects the body. For example, did you know that dehydration can reduce your athletic performance by 7%- 60%? and, if you wait until you feel thirsty to drink you will still be 25-50% dehydrated after you quench your thirst!

Check it out: http://www.livestrong.com/article/531789-dehydration-in-sports-performance/